Saturday, July 17

Utah State University

On Wednesday McKenzie and I traveled to Logan
to visit Utah State University where she will be going to college in the fall!
We had a great time and I absolutely love Logan.
I am so excited for her to be going to school here.
It is a quaint old town tucked away on the foothills of the mountains.
Logan is about 2 hours away.
So she will be far away enough to be on her own,
but not so far she can't come home when she gets the urge!
We had so much fun together exploring the town
and the campus!

Logan Temple

Over looking the valley....

We were able to find Bullen Hall where she will be living.
Although she is not rooming with friends
we discovered that Annie and Kylie
who will be living in Richards Hall are right next door.
They actually share a parking lot!

With Annie and Kylie on the day of orientation!

Romney football stadium
where Daniel and I hope to be coming this fall to watch
BYU play Utah State!
Plus it will be a good excuse to come and visit McKenzie!

I spent Thursday afternoon walking through the Logan Cemetery.
I have a thing for cemeteries, especially old cemeteries.
The Logan cemetery is so beautiful too with lots of trees and
some very old headstones.

I found this little grouping of headstones.
All seven of these were children from the same family.
Not a single one lived past the age of 2.
Losing one child nearly tried my faith,
I can't imaging losing 7.
I saw many little groupings just like this scattered through out the cemetery!

Both of these, up above and below,
are actual headstones.
The one above was huge,
and the one below was just odd.........

This was one of my favorites.
It was so old from the late 1800's
yet there was so much detail,
and I found that the curtain covering up part of the wording
was so interesting!

I hope McKenzie liked Utah State as much as I did.

I really think she is going to have a great year!

She will move on August 20th,

I am sad but happy for her to move on to this new chapter!

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