Monday, August 23

Utah State

On Saturday McKenzie and I went to Logan and moved her into her apartment!
She was very excited with the size of her closet
and with the many drawers and storage areas that she had in her room!

She spent forever organizing her clothes!
I didn't know she was such a freak about having everything color coded
and facing the same way on the hangers.......
she has a few O.C.D. tendencies I was not aware of!

We went shopping while we were there and got some fun things for her room.
Everything was either bright pink, orange or green!

Her one possession that she had to bring,
and had to hang in her room was her Michael Jackson picture
that Chase gave her.
She didn't think her room mate was too fond of it so she hung it in her closet!
So nice, always thinking of others!!!!!!!
She did meet a couple of her roommates and they seem like great girls!
I am so excited for her to be going to school at Utah State.
Was not particularly crazy about the
fact that the apartment next door is full of boys,
but had to keep reminding myself that this is not BYU!
She is going to love it though!

McKenzie made this mug for me at Color Me Mine!
Kind of a going away present for mom to remember her by!
I love it!

Packing up the last few things that she took up with her Sunday evening
when she drove back by herself for good,
or at least until she comes home in a week or two!!!

Saying good bye to mom and dad!
Can't believe she has gone off to college!
Now it is just me and a house full of boys!
Can't say I am too thrilled about that!

Hey McKenzie! I am sure you are looking at this at school!
We love you! We are going to miss you!
Home won't be the same without all of your drama!
Have fun!


Ann Mitchell said...

She'll do well at college!

Matt & Autumn said...

shes wearing my tank top!!!!!