It may seem like from this post that Noah is our only child.
He seems to be the only one that will still let me take his picture....
When we decorated eggs, it ended up being just he and I in the end doing it all too!
So glad I still have Noah to do all of the fun stuff with me!

On Easter morning Noah was up at around 3 a.m. looking for his basket!
I think he thought it was Christmas or something....
The Easter Bunny does tend to do a good job on the Easter Baskets though.
This year Noah's was a Lego Easter Basket
that was full of a lot of hard to find Lego's...........
I think the Easter Bunny may have made a trip to Lego Land to find them all.
Not for sure, just a thought.

Hunter of course making one of his ugly faces......
I would take more pictures of him but choose not to!
Hunter got a Lego of the Space Needle and a new game for the Xbox.

After Church Summer brought her boys up and we had a fun
hunt for them where they found lots of candy
and misc. small toys like, cars, squirt guns and bubbles!

They all found lots of stuff and had a fun time,
well when they weren't fighting over things............

Malone and Stockton like each others company.
I cant believe how big Stockton is getting.....
what happened to my puppy?
With the older kids we hid eggs with money in them,
and also eggs with coupons for things like,
they don't have to do the trashes, they don't have to do the dishes when asked,
a Saturday free of yard work...
Also things like, a tank of gas, dinner and a movie of their choice....
just things like that.
So after everyone gets done getting their eggs then everyone
comes in the house and opens them to count their money.
That is when the fun starts because then when they open their coupons
everyone starts wheeling and dealing and selling and trading their coupons.
I know in the beginning Bobby had the most money with $72.00
and Autumn had the least with $15.00.
Not sure how it all ended though after all of the buying and trading!

Autumn is the biggest tease when it comes to Bridger and Dakota!
She put a pony tail in Bridger's hair which he was not happy about at all.
When he went to his mom for help she wouldn't even take it out for him!
How sad is that! He did look cute though......

Bridger loves it when Uncle Bobby tosses him in the air!
Bridger is so heavy though that Bobby is really only good for about 5 tosses!
Dakota got a GI Joe Easter Basket and got these cool glasses in it.
He is showing me his very cool GI Joe moves! So Funny!

We had a fun Easter with the Family!
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