Tuesday, August 2

No Fireworks???

As you drive in to our neighborhood there is the above sign.
I have been trying to figure out exactly what that means.
Does it mean No Fireworks in the open spaces, National Forest Property,
or at the Rodeo grounds or the Bowery Camping Ground?
All of which are in our neighborhood.
Or does it mean "No Fireworks" anywhere.
Not even at our houses on our own personal property.
They really need to be more clear on what they are talking about.
We could have asked the Fire Chief what that meant,
but I decided against it, and if we got in trouble we could just play dumb!
So for the the 4th and the 24th of July we enjoyed our Ariel Fireworks.
Nobody said anything. Pretty sure they could be seen by all,
and it is not like we could hide where they were coming from.

Below is an example of what could be seen coming from our house!

The first video is of our Dog Malone going crazy
trying to get to just a normal firework.
We have to lock him up behind the fence because he will just grab them
and run off with them even when they are shooting off.
Last year he had singed hair on his face.

The 2nd is an example of our ariel fireworks that we shot off
whether we were suppose to be doing it or not!
Hope the neighborhood enjoyed the show,
and luckily we did not catch the side of the mountain on fire.
I was a little worried!

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