Tuesday, January 3

Happy New Year 2012

Again this year Noah and I found that we were the only ones home!
We ate Cafe Rio, and built Lego's and watched TV.
As it got to around 10:30 I mainly worked on keeping Noah awake.
At 11:30 we had to go pick up Hunter from a friends house
because he wanted to set off our ariel fireworks with us.
Trying to keep Noah awake in the car proved to be quite the task
but I managed by talking to him and asking him questions non stop.
He was so funny. He kept saying,
"It's okay if I don't make it to mid night. I am tired. I want to go to sleep."
But I knew from experience that if I let him fall a sleep
he was going to be so mad in the morning!
That is what happened last year........

At mid night I got pre occupied with Hunter doing something
and it was Noah who said, "Hey Guys, it's 12:00"
Sure enough it was!
Noah was so excited to have actually made it to mid night!!

Our stash of Fire Works!

For whatever reason Hunter and Noah were under the impression that it
was ok to discharge some of these in the house
and they made quite the mess!!
The big ones we took outside and shot off! They had so much fun
other than the dog going crazy.
We ended up having to lock him up in the car, because nothing else could contain him!
He loves fireworks so much he always ends up getting burned! Stupid dog!

Our New Years Eve Cup cakes!!

Happy New Years everyone!
Lets hope this New Year is a Good One!!

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