Sunday, February 26

Basketball Face

Noah has a "Basketball Face"
In other words, a face that he makes while playing basketball.
Actually, several really funny faces.
While I am taking pictures, I often will look at the picture after taking it,
and I find myself just cracking up out loud looking at them.
Then I find people looking at me wondering what I am laughing at.
Well, I am laughing at Noah's "Basketball Face"

Some just look like he is concentrating....

While others are just mean...........

I am sure this is his "get out of my way" face....

Notice the mouth is usually always open.....
that is his concentration face!

This is his, "That was a stupid call" face....

and this I thought was just fun as he was directing someone where to go!
I love watching Noah play basketball!
He is so good too......that is what makes it so fun!
We have decided to get him more involved with basketball
getting him in more of a competitive league and also signing him up for some basketball
skills things out at the Factory. He is very excited about that.
He even wrote up a contract like Jimmer
that he signed, stating that he would practice everyday
and someday make it into the NBA!
A boy with very BIG dreams.....I like that!!

So this last week I watched the little boys
while Summer and Scott were vacationing in Hawaii.
Bridger just cracks me up.
Whenever he knows I am trying to take his picture his tongue pops out....

He was trying on this one, but I snapped before he could get it out!

He has the longest tongue........
And I am pretty sure those are his Tonsils showing in the picture below!

Of course when I go to take Dakotas picture this is what I get!
Cute, cute boys!!

1 comment:

TubeYuber said...

Cool stories and pics! Great! Yeah, I've seen that many times, sticking Tongues out! Lol! It is fun, and very entertaining! Can you post, and send more cool pics with Tongues out? That would be really cool! Also, please let me know if want to have some more fun with that, as there is some cool Tongue Tricks, Challenges, Dares, and Talents to try! My e-mail is You can send more fun stories, and pics there, and I will reply with thoughts, and ideas! Thank You so much for your posts, time, and consideration! Happy Tonguing! Lol!