Monday, March 26

Kauii - Bike Ride

I have decided that the only way I am ever going to get through
all of my pictures from my trip to Hawaii is to just do a few at a time.

One of my most memorable parts of the trip was the bike ride that
Suzi and I went on. And it was memorable
for all of the wrong reasons.......

Ever since last year I had been wanting to rent bikes and ride the
path that went a long the beach behind the condo.
It went for several miles and although we walked it everyday
we had never been to the end of the trail.
That was my goal. To get to the end of that trail.
Kelly and Arden were not really into the bike ride thing
but Suzi said she would go.
Let me just mention that Suzi has been having some health issues
and had recently been diagnosed with Graves Disease.
One of her biggest issues is that her heart rate gets extremely high
so she has to monitor it all of the time.
She wears a monitor so if it gets too high she can stop doing whatever it is
that she is doing that is making it fast.
But, she felt like a bike ride would not be too hard on her.

I was so excited. We rented our bikes and were off.....

This guy was just sitting in a jeep outside the bike shop!!

After riding quite a ways, we noticed that there were a lot of surfers out that day
so we decided to stop and watch them for a while.
Usually we would see 4 or 5 surfers, but this day there were 20 to 30 or more.
So far Suzi was doing just great and we were having fun!
After watching the surfers for awhile we decided it was time to
continue on to find the end of the trail.......

Seconds after starting out again I looked back to see if Suzi
was behind me, and she was laying down on the ground beside
her bike on the trail.
Her heart rate did not go too high this time,
it actually went too low and she got dizzy and nearly passed out.
She was just laying there. I freaked out, dropped my bike
and ran back to help her.
Lucky for us, we were by a life guard stand. They also had seen her
and came over to assist.
Before we knew it, they had her hooked up to oxygen,
doing what they could to get her blood sugar levels back up.

After the initial scare, even her telling me where she kept her pills
in case her heart stopped.............Really!!
It was just a waiting game until she felt good enough to get back on the bike...

Being the good friend I am, I was like "Hey stop sucking that Oxygen
for a minute and take my picture with this really big snail!"
Well, not quite like that, but sort of!

It actually took a long time and she was not feeling any better
so I started thinking about what they do in the hospital after you have a baby
and have lost blood and cant walk around or you might pass out.
They give you orange juice and cookies and stuff.
So I decided to ride my bike back to town and get supplies.
I returned with orange juice, cookies and m&m's
(and a Dr Pepper for me)
Anyway, to make a long story short, it did the trick.

While waiting for Suzi to feel strong enough to ride back to the condo
I took pictures.............
The above picture is of my bike tire. I wanted a pink bike,
because every "Barbie" should ride a pink bike.
But they did not have a pink bike, but they did have
a blue bike with one pink tire!
Good enough for me.................

I love all of the signs they have on the beaches.
The ocean can be a very dangerous place, atleast according to the signs
that are every where.........

Well, we made it back to the condo.
Suzi felt fine the rest of the day, but we never made it to the end of the trail.
So disappointing............
So the next day, I rented a bike and went all by myself.
It was actually quite fun, and a very beautiful bike ride along the coastline.

Love how the trees grow at a slant because of the wind.
At the end of the trail,
they have a sign letting you know you have reached the end of the trail.
Of course I had to take a picture as proof I had made it to the end!!

Love the above trees....... they look like something you might find in Who-ville!

Everyday we walked past this Hostel.
Not really sure what Hostel is. Kind of a community hotel room or something
where everyone shares the same bathroom and stuff.
Why does it make me think of college kids?

Because it had rained the night before,
the bike path was massive puddles and there was no way of going
around them, only through them.
So I had a track of mud going up my back!
But I did not mind! I was so happy of finally reaching my goal
of finding the end of the path!
I only wish that Suzi had been able to do it with me!
We laugh about her little bike adventure all of the time!
How fun that I had my camera with me to document it....
so great to have Suzi sitting on the beach with an Oxygen mask up to her face!!
Great memories.....................

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