Bobby was born exactly on his due date,
(it is the only time he has ever been on time in his whole life)
April 21, 1987
at 12:05 a.m.
He weighed in at a whopping 9lbs. 5 0z. (did not expect that)!
His given name is Robert Thomas.
Robert after his Grandpa Patterson, and Thomas because I liked it.
It just so happens that his Great Grandpa Patterson's name
is Robert Thomas!
Robert was such a big name for a little guy so we have always called him Bobby!
Even now at 23 years old!
What I remember most about the day that Bobby was born is that
Summer, who had been so excited for the baby to be born and could hardly
wait to go to the Hospital to see the new baby,
broke out in Chicken Pox! Massive amounts of chicken pox!
So she wasn't able to go to the hospital, nor did anyone want to babysit her!
Her Grandma Patterson ended up watching her,
and I ended up bringing a brand new baby home to Chicken Pox!
Bobby was the best baby! He never cried, and because he was a
thumb sucker from the very beginning,
he slept through the night at just a couple weeks old!
I was absolutely in love with my little boy and just knew he was going
to grow up to be something really important!!
(I am sure all mom's think that about their sweet little angelic babies!)
When I was going through pictures to put this blog together
I couldn't decide which ones to use, I had so many....
These are some of my favorites and I will just kind of summarize his life
through these pictures. Sorry there are so many,
but this is nothing compared to what I wanted to use!

At 1 year old with Summer!
(After going through pictures, I realize that she at one time
really liked him and they seemed to have a lot of fun together.
I wonder what happened?)

He was a true boy and was always climbing into things!
One of his favorite things to climb into was the milk box on the front porch.
He would take all of the empty bottles out and just climb in!

It was about this time that we got our first Hot Tub.
Bobby loved to spend time with James in the hot tub.
It was so great because it would relax him so much, he would just
lay down and fall asleep soon after getting out!

Bobby was 21 months old when Autumn was born!
I thought he would have a hard time with a baby in the house and
having to share mom, but he actually could have cared less!
It was as if he didn't even notice there was something new in the house!

Not quite sure why he is wearing Summers night gown!
Between about age 2 and 3 is when I decided I didn't like little boys!
They are messy, stinky, and always breaking things.
It is like a hurricane went through every room that Bobby happened to be in!
He was so much work, and so loud doing all of the things that boys do.
One day he jumped through the middle of my glass coffee table
wearing nothing but a diaper and a bat man cape!
Surprisingly he didn't even get a scratch, wish I could say that for the table.
It was then that I decided I never wanted to have a boy again!

I guess Bobby secretly has wanted to be a dancer too!
I also have to mention that when Bobby was little his main nutrition came from Cheetos!
He lived off of them. He was a very picky eater, and still is pretty picky!

When Bobby was about 2 1/2 he traded his baby blanket in for a big quilt
which he dragged every where and it became full of holes, and it seemed to get smaller and smaller until I had cut it down to the little square that he is holding in this picture!
But it was the perfect size to take every where with him, just in case he had the need to suck his thumb! To this day, he still has a favorite blanket that he sleeps with.
I have no comment on whether he still sucks his thumb!

Everyone of my kids has a picture with Grandpa Stoneberg at the Fire Station!
No trip to Oregon is complete without it!

First Grade!
I forgot to mention that Bobby started wearing glasses when he was 3!
I know they were big and Ugly, but that was actually the style then,
and they didn't have a lot to choose from! Sorry Bobby!
I didn't try to make you ugly on purpose!

The family spent a lot of time skiing when Bobby was little.
Even though he is sitting in this picture,
he actually was quite a good little skier. He was actually quite fearless
and would ski anything!

Bobby started playing Ice Hockey when he was 7 years old.
He played in the Utah Winter Games and his team got a Bronze medal his first year,
and a Silver medal his 2nd year.

This picture was taken when he was 8 years old and had just been baptized.
The day he was baptized a little neighbor girl was also baptized.
She was quite the little trouble maker, and Bobby was convinced
that she had a lot of sins. Because they say, when you are baptized
your sins are washed away,
he wanted to be baptized before her and not after her
because he did not want to get in the water and have all of her sins
get on him! It was so funny!
We told him the proper thing to do would be to let the girl go first,
but he would have none of it and insisted on being first!!!

Bobby played Ice Hockey for 4 years!
He probably would have played longer but we moved to Alpine and I
didn't want to make the long drive at 6 a.m. Saturday mornings anymore!

Bobby was 9 years old when he finally got a brother!
Daniel loved Bobby, (he still does) and Bobby loved finally not being the
only boy with 3 sisters who loved to pick on him!
He also loved the Utah Jazz and was there biggest fan!
Karl Malone was his favorite player!

During the play offs he got to fly in a private Lear jet to Houston to watch the
Jazz play the Houston Rockets. The man he is with was nick named
the Jazz man, and he was famous for being very vocal at the jazz games!
Bobby thought it was so cool to meet him!
That same year, the Jazz made it to the finals and I was able to take
Bobby to one of the games as the Jazz played Michael Jordan and the Chicago Bulls!
It was so exciting, even though the Jazz lost the series!

Receiving his Arrow of Light Scouting award when he was 11!
Bobby received his Eagle Scout award when he was nearly 18!
He likes to drag things out until the last minute!

Bobby with Hunter at the Hospital after he was born!
Yeah! Another boy! Now the boys and girls are even!
3 Weeks after Hunter was born we moved to Alpine! I think I felt the most
bad for Bobby when we moved, because he was just getting ready to
start the 6th grade. It was really hard for him because he didn't have any friends,
and he got stuck with the worst teacher in the whole school!
It was a tough year for him!

His favorite football team was the San Francisco 49ers!
He had been a serious fan for years and loved Steve Young and
especially Jerry Rice! James was able to get tickets and took Bobby to San Francisco
for a game at Candle Stick park! Talk about a spoiled kid!
I forgot to put a picture of Bobby with Aspen in here.
In 2001 when Bobby was 14 years old
he was Aspen's Bone Marrow Donor. He was a perfect match for her!
That is pretty rare! I know it was a little scary for him to do it,
but he willingly did so and we were so grateful.
And even though she ended up passing away, it had nothing to do with
the bone marrow, or Bobby. I always worried though that he would feel responsible
for her death somehow, or feel like he didn't save her like he wanted to.
He never really talked about it though, so I am not sure how he really felt,
but he was quite sad!
The next year, we had Noah! Another brother!

Not really sure what is going on in this picture, other than his hair was the color of straw!
At football camp you either shave your head or die your hair blond.
I guess blond hair is the lesser of the two evils!
But I wasn't crazy about it. Luckily it only lasted a couple of months before he was begging
me to die it back! He also went through a jet black stage, but I don't have any pictures of that!
It was quite ugly too!

Bobby started playing football in 9th grade.
Or I should say I finally let him start playing in the 9th grade!
I was so worried he was going to get hurt! Funny because this past year
I let Noah start playing in the first grade!
Bobby loved, and still loves football!
He played all through High School and his Senior year they played for the State Championship
but lost to Timpview, which was led by a kid named Harvey Unga!
Any body who follows BYU football knows that Harvey Unga is one of their best players.
I never thought at that time that someday I would be cheering for Harvey Unga,
because during that Timpview game I hated that kid for being so good!

At Bobby's high school graduation I don't think anyone was happier than me that he made it!
I spent most of his high school years meeting with his counselors and teachers
trying to keep him on course to graduate! The kid probably had the record for the most sluffs in school history!! But he made it and it was such a relief for his mother!

Once Scott married into the family, Bobby became a hunter!
Bobby loves Scott and is so happy to have him for a brother in law!

Bobby loves Ruby Red Squirt!!!
I think he is a little OCD! Look at how perfectly those cans are stacked
with all of labels exactly perfectly in line with each other!

This was taken with the boys in May of 2006 about a month before he left on his mission.
I can't believe how little the boys are!

Bobby was called to serve in the California Los Angeles Mission.
He entered the MTC (missionary training center) on June 21st, 2006
and went out to Los Angeles on July 12th.
It was really hard for me when he left knowing I would not see him for 2 years.
I spent his whole life preparing him to go on his mission so he would be ready to serve the Lord when the time came. In the process of preparing him, I forgot to prepare myself!
It was sad to have him go, but at the same time I was so happy he went!

Bobby loved his mission, even though it was hard at times
and he was homesick for the first few months.
I know I as his mother, missed him terribly, and worried about him so much.
But I was also very proud of him and the sacrifices that he made to serve a mission!
He learned so much and grew so much spiritually as well as mentally and also physically,
because he got taller too!
There is nothing better for a young man than to serve others for 2 years!

At the baptism of a boy that he grew very close to.
His name is Orlando. His Companion here was one of his favorites!

Ricky Schroeder (the actor) was in the Malibu ward that Bobby served in!
They were really good to Bobby and his companion!

All three Elders were Lone Peak High School Alum!
How funny is that! To go on your mission
and end up being with two other Elders from your High School!
Small World!

Picking up Bobby from the airport after serving for 2 years!
I think I missed him the most!
It was a happy day! The boys were so happy to have him back!
What a great example he has been to his little brothers!

The last two years Bobby has been an assistant coach on Daniel's
football team! Bobby has loved doing it and Daniel has loved having him do it!

Since getting home from his mission, Bobby has worked for James
and is also going to Utah Valley University majoring in Construction Management.
Last December he got his Real Estate License.
He is living in Orem, is currently single and loves to spend all of his spare time
working out at the Gym!!
He is a great brother to his little brothers and is a good son!
I can't believe he is 23, and doesn't really need his mom anymore,
or my advice on the girls he dates!
Too bad, he gets it anyway! That's what moms are for!
That is probably the longest post of all time..... Me and Autumn think that Bobby and Bridger actually look a lot alike when you look at Bobby's baby pics. Also, we are pretty sure that the picture of Bobby with all of the Hockey metals is actually Autumn. Ha Ha (that is what Autumn would say)
So Cute!! Its fun to look at all the pictures when Bobby was little. I cant believe how much Summer and Dakota Look alike When Summer was little!!
THATS WHAT I SAID chantel. summer and dakota seriously look so much alike! & i love how in almost every picture bobbys eyes are crossed hahaha! even when he has his glasses on! haha
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