Friday, February 19

McKenzies Bad Luck With Cars......

McKenzie has the worst luck with cars!
Especially this one!
This morning when she went to leave for Drill
there was a little bit of snow on the driveway.
Not anything big. Usually I panic over snow on the driveway.
I went out and walked on it and it was not slick.
I told her it was fine to just drive slow, which she did.
I was watching her the whole time.
She did just fine, and then on the last turn
she hit an icey patch and BAM
right into the gate.
I saw it,
I heard it,
but the worst was when she got out of the car
and started screaming when she saw the damage to the car.
My heart broke for her because I knew what she was thinking
was, "Dad is going to kill me!"
Which was also my exact thought!
Poor kid! She has the worst luck when it comes to cars.
I think every car we own has some mark on it to remind us of McKenzie.
This particular car was involved in a hit and run just last week.
Someone hit the side of her car when she was at her CNA class and left
a big dent in the driver door. (not her fault)
Last Summer one of her friends moms backed into the front
of it while she was at their house. (not her fault)
She also managed to dent the suburban, hitting a pole at the bank. (Her fault)
Backed into a car with the Suburban. (her fault)
Was driving James new white truck and got t-boned
because she thought a 2 way stop was a 4 way stop and pulled out
in front of another car! (Her fault again!)
Well, she has never gotten a speeding ticket!
I do feel bad about today though. She was being careful!
Stupid Driveway!
Funny thing is that in September we got her a brand new Pontiac Vibe!
We told her she could have it for graduation because she has always gotten such good grades!
She earned it! The thing was that she would not get it until after graduation in May!
So that brand new little car has sat in our garage since September!
She has not complained one bit about not being able to drive it.
(we have not insured it, so she could not drive it if she wanted to)
With the luck she has with cars I am sure she is glad it is sitting there!
In fact, she may never want to drive it!

The whole bumper came off along with the lights on the right side!

All the bits and pieces............

Too bad we cant just stick it back on! Not quite that easy!

On another note, the little flu bug is just making its way through the family!
Yesterday Hunter and Daniel. McKenzie will not be happy if she gets it.
Daniel is convinced he lost 10lbs just in one trip to the bathroom!!!!!!
It doesn't seem to last long other than I still can't eat without feeling sick to my stomach.
That probably isn't such a bad thing though.

Daniel lost his basketball game. Again! If it weren't for that one win,
they would have a perfect losing record!!!

One last thing, Mitch Flygare is getting worse with his Kidneys now shutting down.
They are transferring him today to the Mayo Clinic back East I believe.
All my thoughts and prayers are with their family right now!
There is nothing more frustrating and more worrisome than having your child so sick!
It is a helpless feeling! So if you remember to, say a prayer for them.
Especially for their Doctors so they can figure out the source of his problems!


the dunns said...

Way to go McKenzie!!!!!!

Mariam said...

Has anything ever bothered you in life? Do you
have any problem you need to solve? A pending
court case you want to resolve in your favor?
Health, relationship and finance. Welcome to
the world of miracles and wonders, there are
supernatural treasure and power to liberate
mankind from all afflictions. Why cant you live a
life of your dream? Why must you work so hard
and yet earn so little? Why cant you be happy
with the one you love and desire or why cant the
one you love reciprocate and appreciate that
love? Why would the doctor tell you there is no
solution or cure to your problems? Why would
your lawyer say you stand no chance, that your
case is hopeless? Have you been cheated by
anyone or those owing you money refuse to pay
back? Do you need a rapid job promotion in
your place of work? You want to venture into
politics? Now I understand certain things are
hard to believe and comprehend, but all I ask
from you is only 3 days and if you will follow my
instructions and use the items you will receive, I
promise your life will never be the same
again.If you find no relevance in the help I offer
I solemnly appeals do not be vindictive and go
in peace. And if your intentions are to take
advantage of the powerful nature of our items
for the purpose of evil, I will not have any
business with you please be advised. May
angels guide you. All inquiries should be
directed to the Priest Abija email below Email: or
you can sent a text message to this number:(518) 303-6207!