Saturday, March 6

Happy 9th Birthday Aspen!!

Birthday Girl Aspen!
We Love you!

As I post pictures of Aspen's 9th Birthday
I really wish with all of my heart that I could post pictures
of a 9 year old little girl who is very excited for her birthday,
her cake, her presents...................
All the things that make little 9 year old girls happy!
Sadly that is not the case.
Instead, I get to post pictures of a cake with candles being blown out by her brothers,
presents being placed at her grave sight,
and balloons being set free with the hopes they will find their way to Heaven
where Aspen might gather them one by one!
We love Aspen!
We miss her everyday!
Especially on her Birthday
We are so grateful that she was born into our family.
And so grateful for the time that we had with her.
We celebrate her birthday today
and hope and pray that she had a wonderful Birthday in heaven
and that her balloons arrived safely.
(She always loved Balloons)

I am putting together a blog about Aspen.
It is mostly for my children so that they might remember her.
I was hoping to have some things ready to put on it today for her Birthday,
but it is a bigger task than I thought, and actually quite emotional,
as I have been loading pictures and making a video,
reading my journals, and going through medical records.
It would be a lot easier if I didn't already know
how the story ends!
Hopefully in the next few days I will be ready to post some things.
I will probably post in sections, as her life seems to be divided up in
hospital stays, and before her leukemia diagnosis, and after.......
I have been working on her first 6 weeks,
and will go from there.
You can view her blog by clicking on her blog button on this page.

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