Sunday, December 4

Live Nativity..

Yes, this is a real camel that lives just down the road from us.
There are actually two of them! They are pretty cool!
They use them as part of the Live Nativity that they do every year.
We took Noah last night and went to it.
They have done it for the last 8 years in memory of Irene Hayes
who died of Cancer 8 years ago.
I never really knew Irene Hayes until ten years ago.
Her and her husband came to the Mortuary after Aspen had died
and helped me to make molds of her hands and feet.
For Christmas that year she gave me a glass box lined in pink silk
with a ceramic sculptures of her hand and foot inside.
It was a priceless gift, given to me by someone who did not really know me,
and it meant so much.
A year later, Irene was diagnosed with cancer and passed away.
So every year I attend the live Nativity in her memory and think of her
and the gift that she gave to me.
Anyway, it is a Journey to Bethlehem
complete with Roman soldiers and towns people, shepherds and animals.
They do a really good job,
and at the end of the journey you make your way to the stable
where you find the baby Jesus.
It is a very neat and humbling experience.....

Not really sure that Jesus had a binky, and a pink one at that,
but it was a very precious sight, and the spirit was strong.

As it is every year, it was a very neat experience.

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