Wednesday, December 28

New Christmas Tradition

This year we started a fun new tradition.
We did a family progressive dinner that started with
appetizers at Autumn and Matt's house.
Autumn and Matt even wore the same Ugly Christmas Sweaters that they
wore to a party in High School.
I thought it was so funny that they still had them.

They served Spinach and Artichoke dip that is one of my favorites.
They even had fun Soda's and party favors......

It was fun because we got to see all of the kids houses decorated for Christmas!
Autumn and Matt were the only ones with a flocked tree!

McKenzie brought a friend Jaxon, whom we all really liked!

Hunter and Matt still have their bromance thing going on.....

At the Patterson Christmas party at Grandpa Patterson's
I brought this fun little Santa bathroom get up as a white elephant gift
and Autumn got it! How funny!

Next we went to Bobby and Rachels for soup!
It was yummy!
They have the only real tree. We have never had a real tree before
so everyone thought that was pretty cool.

Bobby has a little media room and Hunter and Dakota had fun playing X box.

Not really sure what is going on in the above picture!
A little awkward!!

Autumn and Matt changed out of their Ugly Christmas Sweaters!
Pretty sure Matt was wearing a womans sweater so it was probably a good idea!

Next we went to Summers and Scotts house for the main course.

They had Turkey and Cranberry Crescent Sandwiches
and they were soooooooo GOOD!

By this time everyone was ready to gel in front of the TV
and watch the Monday night football game.....
But that did not last long because we had to head to our house
for Rasberry Bread pudding
and to start building our yearly family Ginger Bread houses.
This year I informed everyone it was going to be a contest
and a prize would be given to the winner.
Some took it a little more serious than others........
After we were finished we could not decided on a winner
so I decided the only fair thing to do was post just pictures of the houses
on facebook, with no names attached and let people/friends vote
for their favorite. It was not even close who the winners were.....
I will announce the winner at the end of the post!!

Autumn and Matt were very creative and made
the Salt Lake Temple,
complete with the reflecting pond.......

Bobby and Rachels house.
I really liked the Icicles.

McKenzie and Jaxon decided to go for a beach theme in honor
of McKenzie shipping off to Hawaii to go to BYU Hawaii on Jan. 4th.
(Did I mention that we really liked Jaxon?)

Hunter's house.
I helped him out by adding the red frosting. I hate it when the edges are not done.
Someday he will smile descent for a picture.....I hope......

Dakota worked so hard on his.
I love the gum windows!

Summer ended up doing a Santa Sleigh because Bridger took over her house.
She only used Reeses candy, and I love the way she made the reindeer.

Bridgers house! Love it!
He really got into it too and required very little help from his dad!

Daniel did not put much effort into his.
He said that he was busy watching the Football game............
McKenzie could not stand it so she finished his house for him!
But I forgot to post a picture of her finished project,
but take my word for it, it was a huge improvement.

And the WINNER was none other than the Hershey house
constructed by Mom and Noah!
We were accused of cheating............
I think next year everyone will just need to try a little harder,
although I did love them all.....................

Noah enjoyed spending the Prize which was a $50.00 visa gift card!

It was a very fun night......
A tradition we will continue!!!!

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