Tuesday, December 6

New December Tradition????

Soooooo, it happened again!
Same car. Same Driver. Same fence!!!!
Noah called it a December Christmas Tradition!
Wrecking moms car, in the snow, on the driveway!

Not nearly as bad as last year.
But wrecked still the same!

The fence is a little worse this year though.

Can't quite understand what it is about this spot!
Must be the combination of the steepness, (which it does not look steep in the picture)
the angle, and the way the ice builds up right at that turn.
Hitting the rock wall doesn't help a lot either.
Apparently somebody thought that because the car had new tires on it,
it would not be a problem.
Problem is, somebody forgot to tell the new tires they were not suppose to slip
and were suppose to grip that ice!

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