Sunday, March 4

Pine Wood Derby 2012

I am so, so far behind in my blogging.
I fear I will never catch up.
A few weeks ago was the Pine Wood Derby.
While I was in Hawaii Noah and James worked on his car.
This year I wanted to go for fast and suggested a wedge.
Noah wanted to go a little bit fancier,
so they drew up the plans and then went to Brother Fraziers to cut
and build the car.

My only request was that I got to help with the final touches.
So they got it to the above point with the primer
and then when I got home we finished it.
My suggestion was that in stead of painting it, we use duct tape.
Noahs favorite thing.
So we got on line and found the one we wanted.
It was grey with little diamond things on it like the steel in a truck bed.
Very cool looking, and I think it worked well.
We then added his number 15 using white duct tape
and added a Y from his BYU duct tape.
Noah was very pleased with the end result,
and I was so happy not to have to paint it!

At the weigh in the night before the derby.....

At the derby proudly showing his car......

The scouts from our ward.
Because we have only 5 scouts we combined with the 7th ward
so there was probably about 12 scouts racing.
Caleb Frazier, holding the Orange car was the overall winner.
He is the winner every year. His dad takes it very seriously.....
He always produces the fastest car. He has it down to a science.
You will notice, it is a wedge!

Noah ended up getting 6th overall.
But he did get the coveted award of Best Sportsmanship
which was voted on by somebody from the other ward
who was suppose to watch the boys all evening
and award the Best Sportsmanship Trophy
to the boy who she felt showed the most sportsmanship through out
the night. I was so proud of Noah.
That is better than being the fastest in my opinion!
And he got a trophy! How cool is that?

Next year we are going to figure out a way to beat Brother Frazier,
I mean Caleb!!
Noah might have to listen to me and go with the wedge!!

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