Saturday, May 19

Saying Good-bye........

We had the best time with McKenzie while she was home.
It went so fast.  It was hard to say good bye,
but she will be home on June 13th.
So it is nice to know that good bye is just temporary.
Hunter and Noah really enjoyed having her home.
They miss her the most I think,
well a side from me.  But we talk and text all of the time!

 At the airport saying good bye.....
When the heck did Hunter get so tall?
McKenzie is not short and he seems to be taller than she is!
Big "Bear" hug for Noah!

 She seemed to be in a hurry to get back to Hawaii though.
I wonder why????????

 Could it be because of all of the fun stuff she does there?
She assures me that she does study.
She did manage to pull straight "A's"!
I don't know how though because it looks like too much fun to me.

She gets to swim and snorkle with dolphins
and sea turtles and stuff like that.
Maybe even sharks!

 She seems to always be hanging out with her friends
posing for pictures in really cool places!
I'd say it was a tad windy this day, but still looks like they are having too much fun!

 I think she spends a lot of time hanging on the beach
in what seems to be a barely there swim suit........

She probably spends a lot of time watching the surfers......
and other beach attractions.....

 (Very cool picture above)

 Maybe it is the little Hawaian children she loves.
Have to admit they are dang cute......

 In Hawaii it would seem you can have very cool pets.......
at home I would make her keep it in a cage!

 There is the cliff jumping.
Or in her case the contemplating cliff jumping!
Not sure if she got a little push or just the threat of a push!

 In Hawaii it is legal to just ride around in the back of pick ups.
Love the hair do and it would seem she can sleep just about any where......

 It would seem though that there is more than all of the above that made her want to get
back to Hawaii.
Remember in the movie "Father of the Bride"
and George is picturing his daughter as a 6 year old in pigtails?
I think he imagined her saying something like,
"I've met someone, we are in love and we are getting married!"

 Well,  that is what is happening here........

 So this is Josh..........
He is from Pleasant Grove, (we will over look that)
They had to go clear to Hawaii to meet on a blind date that neither really wanted to go on!
Well, they are "in love" and it would seem they are getting married!
They will both be home in June and we are looking forward to meeting
Josh then, and then we can figure out all of their plans......
which I am sure they have all ready figured out and will share with us then
because they are both very decisive!  Not!!

 One reason why I know they are both so serious is because McKenzies hair
is looking so cute.  Not that it was not before, but it is just looking cuter!!
I don't think I will miss the shaved side...........
not that I hated it though......:)

 Before McKenzie even told me how much she liked Josh
I saw a picture of them together, 
and my first thought was "Uh oh"!
There was something very different about her.
She practically glowed!
And I knew..........He was the one!
Weird huh?
It was just a few days later that she called me and told me how crazy she was about him!

They get to go on the best dates.......
McKenzie said it is like being on the Bachelor!

Yeah!  It looks like love!

I think I would choose Hawaii too........
So excited to have her come home in just a few weeks.
And this time she is coming home for good.
Well at least until she leaves again...........
But this time it wont be clear across an ocean!


Matt & Autumn said...

Matt feels bad you never did a post about him like this! Rude!

Barbie said...

Are you sure? Pretty sure I did one about you guys when you got engaged. Let me gather some pictures and I will do something about him..............I still have a bunch of pictures about your wedding to blog! I need to do that before McKenzie gets married so I can blog hers!

McKenzie Schellenberg said...

This was so fun to read mom! Thanks so much :) :) :)