Monday, May 10

Cutest Baby Born in 2009!

According to the Utah Valley Magazine May/June issue
the Cutest Baby Born in 2009 is..........

Bridger James Dunn!!!!

Of course nobody had to tell us that!

Summer entered the above picture into their baby contest,
and Bridger got 1st place!!!!

Summer won a $100.00 gift certificate to Dear Lizzy
and Bridger got a soft Minky blanket!

The boys gave Summer a suggestion on what she should get with her $100.
They told her not to waste it on any useless jewelery,
but that she should spend the whole $100 on Cup Cakes!
(Dear Lizzy has the best cupcakes)!!!!

Congratulations Bridger!
We already knew you were the cutest!
Glad to see that Utah Valley Magazine agrees!!


the dunns said...

I will for sure get them some cupcakes.... but only the little ones.

The Morales Family said...

Oh so cute! I love that picture!!!!