Tuesday, June 1

Memorial Day

The thing that I like about driving by the cemetery on Memorial Day Weekend
besides seeing all of the colorful flowers,
is seeing all of the families gathered around grave sights
remembering their loved ones.
There is such a peaceful feeling.
The first few years after Aspen died I felt such an ache in my heart,
but now, celebrating our 8th memorial day since she passed
the ache is no longer there
and we are able to remember her with laughter
in stead of tears!
On the drive back home I was telling Hunter about my memory
of him when we came home and told the kids that Aspen had died.
He was just barely 3 and had no concept of death,
and his response was that,
"it would be o.k. because we could go buy a new baby at Walmart"
Even in my greatest sorrow,
that comment brought a smile to my face,
and I remember thinking how great it would be to be 3 at that moment!

(Apparently nobody could see because the sun was too bright!)

(Trying to get Autumn and Hunter to be serious for a picture was a Joke!)

James 's mothers grave

(a little brotherly fun)

Summer could not come with us on Sunday because she worked
so she brought the boys on Monday.
You need to click onto her blog and read about her
explanation to Dakota about dying and cemeteries,
and his response.
It is priceless..............

Bridger and Dakota at the Cemetery

Daniel and Dakota on the Mongoose!

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