Sunday, June 6

Summer Haircuts

The boys had been growing their hair long,
but promised to get it cut once summer started.
Because it is summer,
I didn't feel too bad when Autumn did little weird things to their hair.
Normally I would have had a fit but I surprised them and said "Whatever"!
Noah and Hunter both think they are so cool............



Dakota always makes me laugh.
Here I thought I had made such a great dinner
and I look on his plate and he has a big pile of oreos
and a brownie!

Next I have a picture of the Humming bird feeder
that is right by our back door.
The Humming birds are crazy!
I am always ducking and dodging. They seriously Attack!
But they are fun to watch.
The kids can get them to land on their finger if they hold really still
and put their finger by the feeder!

1 comment:

the dunns said...

I love Noah's hair!!!!