Wednesday, May 18

Alpine Elementary Carnival

Noah wanted to make a cake this year for the Cake Contest
at the Alpine Elementary Carnival.
It would be used in the cake walk.
He wanted to make Lego's and this is what we came up with....
He thought it was the greatest cake ever!
Kind of fun and it was a favorite and went early in the cake walk.

This year I was a co chair on the Carnival Committee
and my assignment was to be over all of the games.
Wow! What a job.
I had to organize all of the games, get volunteers, order all of the prizes,
and basically stress for the last two months about everything!
Surprisingly it turned out well, with just a few minor hiccups!
So, so glad that it is over though!

Autumn was one of my volunteers.
I also recruited Daniel, Matt and Sam for the evening too!
They were all such a huge help!

Noah and Jacob!
I can't decide if Noah is just getting taller or if Jacob is getting shorter!
No matter, Jacob is still older!

This year we added a petting zoo to the Carnival,
as well as Pony Rides and a Reptile Show!
Lots of fun stuff to do!

The little girl in the background is scary!
And this poor pony looks like he got a really bad haircut!

Although it did not rain, which I am so thankful for,
it did end up being really cold and by the end of the night it was freezing!
Seemed like last year it was really, really hot!
Maybe next year it will be just right!
Next year it wont be my problem though, because I am going to learn how to say "No"!

1 comment:

Arden said...

Heard it was amazing. Be glad you didn't go with me. we both got sick! Glad that is over for you!