Sunday, May 29

Regatta Race

This past week was the Rain gutter Ragatta for Cub Scouts.
We had it at our house.
Noah's boat was a Jimmer boat!
Which isn't a surprise seeing how he is his biggest fan!

Towards the end when he wasn't winning any races
he started to cheat by pushing the sail with the rim of his hat!
Do not know what I am going to do with this kid!
He is such a cheater......

After the races, which went fast because we only have 5 cub scouts,
the boys all swam in the pool and had a lot of fun.

Bryce Mickelson and Eli Vajello.
These two guy are in my primary class and I love them
even though they are pretty naughty most of the time!
Cute boys!

They also roasted Marshmellows in the fire pit!
The above picture is a perfectly roasted marshmellow,
in my opinion anyway.

Jacob Vajello after eating a S'more!

It was a fun night and the scouts all seemed to have a good time!

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