Thursday, May 5

Finally put new flowers in the gate baskets.
They look a lot more like Spring...
a lot better than the Christmas flowers that were still in there.
Maybe that is why it has still been snowing.
Hopefully now that I have changed the flowers it is now officially Spring!
One can hope!

It was a beautiful day today. In the 70's!
Rode around with my sun roof open.

On another note,
poor little Stockton lost his manlihood (is that even a word?) today!
He is doing just fine! Running around, you would not even know anything happened.
James on the other hand seems to be having sympathy pain and is convinced the
dog is miserable and hurting!! And insists on filling him full of pain meds!

1 comment:

Arden said...

So pretty!No comment on the clipping of manhood!