Monday, January 25

Super Bowl - Colts vs. Vikings

Before the game, trying to be serious!

Hunter is very Happy!! Daniel (and a few others) are a little disappointed.
It was a good game though clear to the bitter end.
The Vikings just made a few too many mistakes.
I am not even going to go into my feelings about how unfair the overtime system is in the NFL!

Well, onto the Super Bowl.
I am going to be cheering for the Colts and Austin Collie.
I already informed Hunter of this and we are good!

Congratulations Hunter on the big Saints win!
I guess you have NFL bragging rights!
Just don't forget who dominates in College Football!!!!!!
Those bragging rights belong to Daniel and BYU!!!!
I guess you guys are even!

Noah before the game! It is as if he knew the outcome before it started!

I had to leave during the game.
I came home to find everyone heavily involved in the game,
and Bridger sitting in a kitchen drawer eating monopoly money!
I am sure he is pooping it today!

1 comment:

the dunns said...

Is Noah ever going to change out of those pj bottoms????