Thursday, August 26

First Day of 2nd Grade

The Boys think they are all too old for me to document their first days of school.
Because Daniel and Hunter are in Jr. High I let them pass on the pictures...
but Noah I would not let him get away with not letting me take his picture.
He was not happy about it, but said I could take pictures at home
but nowhere else.............................................

Oops! Just happened to have my camera in the car!
Just couldn't pass up the opportunity to get him at the bus stop too!
Can't believe my baby is in 2nd grade!
His teacher this year is Mrs. Walters and he loves her so far!
Everyone I have talked to says she is the best...
so we are looking forward to a great year for him.


Noah also had his first scrimmage today after school.
It started out a little slow, but the boys ended up doing well
and won the scrimmage against the other Lone Peak Team!

Noah is number 15 this year.
He picked that number because it was Daniels number last year
and also Max Halls Number (BYU quarterback)

Loved the view from our driveway this morning........
Also, Noah and I are excited about our pumpkins that we planted.
We have about 8 growing that we can see, but the one below is the biggest so far.
It is our first year ever growing our own pumpkins..........

1 comment:

the dunns said...

Noah seriously looks "HOT" in those 1st day of school pics!!!!