Wednesday, November 10

Halloween Fun!

At the October Cub Scout Pack Meeting Noah was welcomed into the Scout Program!
He has been going to scouts for years with his brothers,
and with his dad and is so excited to now be an official cub scout!!
The pack meeting was a Halloween one
where everyone came dressed up and played a lot of fun games!

Noah decided for the pack meeting he was just going to be a skate boarder!
He loves the new skate board he got for his Birthday!

Some of the activities included shaving a balloon without breaking it,
and trying to eat a Donut off of a string without using your hands.

Noah and Mom!!!!
Below is a picture of Jordan Stowe.
She is in my Primary class and I loved her costume.
She came up with the idea and made it herself......
She is a Jelly Fish! What a great idea!!!!

Dakota also came to the pack meeting with us.
We dug out one of Noah's old costumes....
Dakota went as a Race Car Driver!
He had so much fun hanging out with the Scouts!

He especially liked the Bobbing for Donuts game!

Such a scary Grandma.........

I thought these cookies were so cute and such a great idea
using Oreo's and Licorice to make spiders!
I took a picture just so I could remember them.

On Saturday night the ward put on a Trunk or Treat Activity.
Because it was pouring rain they moved it inside the Church.
The kids were able to play games in the cultural hall
and then Trick or Treat Down the hall ways!
It actually worked out pretty cool
and I know Noah had so much fun!

He went as Michael Jackson.
This time without the scary face.
In stead he wore sun glasses.

I think he made a great Michael Jackson!
I went dressed up in my witch costume again. (no pictures)
Everyone loved it because it is so out of character for me,
and I had tons of comments on my shoes,
which made me happy because I loved those shoes!

Some of my favorite costumes of the night......
of course the baby above! She was adorable...
you just want t kiss those little fat cheeks!
Below is Josh Smith as Spock
and Max Clark as a mountain man!
They are both in my Primary class!

Above is Logan Hunter. He was in my Primary class last year!
Every time I see Logan he tells me that I was the Best Primary teacher ever!
He is so funny!!!!!

After the party Noah and I went to Pam and Ross's,
Suzis, and Sister Knadlers his Primary Teacher,
he then declared he was done so we went home and he enjoyed passing out
candy to the trick or treater's that braved their way through the rain
to our house!
Bridger and Dakota came up later and released
the Balloons from the Birthday Party!
Of course they are full of high float so they are going to be
floating around our ceiling for awhile.
Hopefully they will come down before Christmas
because they don't exactly go with my Christmas decorations!

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