Monday, November 29

Santa and the Boys.........

This last week we have been putting up the Christmas Tree
and decorating the house getting ready for Christmas.
As I pull out the boxes of decorations
there is one box that I get the most excited about
and as I open it and pull out its contents
I cant help but get the biggest smile and even sometimes a few tears.
This box holds my greatest Christmas treasures....
pictures of my boys through the years with Santa.
I started when Hunter was a baby and Daniel was 2 years old.
Every year since then I have dragged them to the mall to get their picture with Santa.
As Daniel gets older, it is getting a little harder,
but I always manage to convince him to do it!
I always tell them it is all I want for Christmas from them,
nothing else. I may even resort to paying them if I have to!
So far this year I am still trying to convince.....
I thought it would be fun to share 12 years of pictures with Santa.
I will post this years as soon as I get it...hopefully soon!
Enjoy my cute boys!!!!!

They are both pretty happy in this one!

Both looking a little worried!

Daniel is happy...Hunter looks like he is trying to get away!

Everyone likes Santa again!

This is my favorite picture of all time.
Noah sleeping with Santa. Look at the cheeks on that kid!

Love these boys!
Daniel could actually pass for an elf with his ears.........


Noah would not get close to Santa so we stuck him on the
rocking horse way out in front!





This is the picture from last year!
I love these pictures and I love that my boys will go stand
in a line at the mall with a bunch of little kids
to get their picture taken with Santa because it makes their mom so happy!
I hope they want to make me happy this year...........

1 comment:

Ann Mitchell said...

Pretty cute! I like when Daniel has the BYU shirt, and Hunter the Utah one!