Sunday, September 25

Dakota's Soccer

Dakota has been playing soccer this year and loving it.
I think he might just be more of a soccer player than a football player.
Yesterday I went to his game with my camera
only to discover I had left my memory card in the computer at home.
I dont get to go to many of his soccer games
because they usually conflict with Hunters football games.
During half time I ran over to Summers house and took her memory card from her camera,
only to discover that my camera was not compatible with her camera
and even though the card said empty,
it was not and all that was left for me to use were 5 pictures.
So I had to be selective and could not take a billion pictures like I usually do.
Here are the 5 pictures! They ended up being good ones I think!

Love that his tongue is sticking out.
That is called concentration!

Dakota plays on a team that only has one other boy and the rest are girls.
Some of those girls are dang good!
Dakota is fun to watch. He really gets into it and looks so cute!
I would not mind if he did become a soccer player.
If he got really good, sometimes they let the soccer players be the kickers on the football team.
Summer had a friend in High School who did that. (Dallas Zurcher)
That would be like the best of both worlds!!

This could possibly be the best part of soccer when you are 5.
Treats at the end of the game!!

(Was not such a good morning for me. After the whole memory card fiasco
I then went to the gas station, because I was basically running on fumes,
only to discover I had left my purse in the other car and had no credit cards.
Lucky for me the day did get better.............)

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