Friday, September 9

Spider Boy???

Funny experience at the gym today.
While I was working out with my trainer Sarah,
a guy, who was wearing a wife beater, big bulging muscles,
the typical gym rat guy who walks around like he is all that..
walked up to us and told Sarah that there was a spider
by the piece of equipment he was working on
and was wondering if she would come get it,
or call maintenance or someone to come get it
or kill it for him
because he just did not do spiders very well.
I was lying on a mat doing crunches
just looking at this guy wondering if he was for real.
He was totally serious.
I just burst out laughing.
I could not believe that this big tough guy
was afraid of a spider. Seriously?
I lay on the floor laughing as I watched Sarah who is about 5'2
walk over to where the spider was with a guy who was about 6'3
and built like a truck.
She stepped on it and walked back over to me trying not to laugh
as the guy went back to his work out.
Needless to say we laughed the rest of the workout
and now refer to this guy as spider boy......not to his face though!
So it was a wolfe spider and they are a little bigger than your average spider
but honestly, what a big woos!!!

If I had, had my phone with me I would have taken a picture of the guy
but the picture below gives you an idea...........


Matt & Autumn said...

Haha mom, you love this way too much

Barbie said...

At least I didn't blog about my girl crush on princess Kate!

Unknown said...

I think you just wanted to have a reason to post a picture of a big-oily-beauhunk on your blog...

Barbie said...

Yep? You got me all figured out!