Tuesday, April 17

Easter Baskets

This year the Easter Bunny was so organized
and Easter was the least stressful it has ever been.
Baskets were completed and hid while the boys were still awake
and they had no idea.
The Easter Bunny was able to call it an early night and get
some much needed rest.
Which was a good thing because Noah woke up at 5 a.m.
and wanted to go look for his basket!
I told him it was Easter, not Christmas and he could not get out of
bed until 6:30. He did as I said, but slept with my phone so he could
check the time every 5 minutes!

The above basket is Daniels.
It was filled with all of his favorite Candy
as well as the very last Mini Helmet for his collection.
(not an easy find. That is why it was the last.)
Also, a new Hoodie and shorts and lots of gift cards
to different restaurants and movie theaters.
(For dating and all)
Being 16. An Easter Basket was expected but the excitement was not there,
as he waited until after church to even begin to look for it.
Sleeping until the very last minute before church was #1 in importance!

Hunter's Basket, which does not look like a lot because the important stuff is hidden.
But he got some new shoes. Kobie "Sharks"
and also a Kindle. He reads so much and I am always buying him new books,
so this was the perfect thing for the Easter Bunny to put in his basket.
As well, he got lots of candy and some gift cards.
He too was up early, but not as early as Noah!

Noahs basket that he was up at 5:00 to look for......
The Easter Bunny was good to him this year.
He got a Kings draft day hat.
A plaque of Jimmer as National Player of the Year.
New Nike Basketball shoes that he designed himself.
They are Bright Orange and Purple! Very Interesting!
Also, the All Stars West teams Jersey and Shorts.
Yes! All of that fit into that basket!

Sorry about the quality of this picture.
I took them with my phone while I was still in bed!
Took Noah awhile to find his basket.
He actually had to come get a hint from me.
I just told him it was in something that was his......
he finally figured out it was in his locker with his coats and shoes!
He did manage to find the other boys, so when they went looking for theirs
I am pretty sure he gave them huge hints because they found theirs pretty fast.

When Noah was ready for Church, which we had to be to at 9:00,
He put on his draft day hat and realized he looked like Jimmer
after he was drafted by the kings.
So he insisted on getting his picture taken by his Jimmer collection!
Funny, funny boy!

In the afternoon, Bobby and Rachel and Autumn and Matt came up.
Summer and her family were in St George.
We did our annual Egg Hunt with money in the eggs!
It is amazing how competitive just marrieds get at the prospect of finding money!
This year we did a free for all, where they could get as many eggs as they could find.
In years past we would say everyone could find 10 eggs, but nobody liked that.
There were $1's, $2's, $5's, $10's and a couple $20's.
Bobby and Rachel came out on top getting $90 something.
Noah was at the bottom with $30 something.
I think they all had a good time.
The only one who did not like the new free for all rule was Noah.
The older kids were not nicer to him just because he was the youngest......
How rude..............

Fun, fun day with the family!
We did miss Summer and her little boys,
and McKenzie too!! I am sure Easter in Hawaii was not so bad though!

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