Wednesday, April 25

Master Chef

Hunter loves to cook ever since he has been taking a cooking class in school.
On Sunday he made dinner.
Okay, it was Sloppy Joes. But he did make it from scratch.
I prefer the can method when I do it, so I was very impressed.
He never wants my help and always does everything himself.
This included slicing and dicing onions and green peppers.
Later on Sunday afternoon he made Chocolate Chip cookies.
This boy knows his way around a kitchen
and how to use the Kitchen Aide!

 It would be nice if he wore a shirt,
but anybody who knows Hunter knows he never has a shirt on.
I was just thankful he had on shorts.
Usually he is just in his boxers!

 I was so impressed because his cookies turned out picture perfect.
Not only did they look good
but they tasted amazing.
Gotta love this kid!
It has been fun looking through recipes with him...
I wonder what he will come up with this Sunday.........
whatever it is I am sure it will be yummy!
Can't wait!


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