Friday, October 8

Autumns New Car........

For 2 years Autumn had been saving up to buy a new car.
In May she finally had enough and bought the Subaru Forrester.
I had been wanting to take a picture of it and put it on the Blog.
She got it around the same time that Summer and McKenzie got theirs
and I have posted pictures about theirs, and have wanted to show hers as well.

Well, now I have a reason to show it........
Last night we got the phone call no parent wants to get,
in between crying and sobs you hear,
"Dad I have been in an accident.
I was hit by a construction truck on the freeway.
My car is totaled."
Dad asks, "Are you O.k.?"
"That is all that matters."
So James and I head to the scene of the accident not really sure what had happened,
only knowing that Autumn was o.k.
Not a very good feeling to pull up to lots of flashing lights in the dark knowing that
your daughter is in the middle of that somewhere.......
Not nearly as bad as I imagined in my mind on the drive there,
but bad enough.
The construction truck that hit her was huge....and the damage could have been worse.
It was their fault so their insurance will cover the repairs.
Autumn was pretty shaken up, and pretty sad over the condition of her car.
Nothing money can't fix. We are just so grateful she was not hurt.

I had heard that subaru's are pretty tough cars...
seeing how big the truck was that hit her I would say her car looks pretty good.
She had side air bags that deployed and everything!
I had never seen deployed airbags before. Pretty cool that cars have them.

It could have been so much worse, and we are so grateful that she is o.k.
and I am sure she will be happy when her car is as good as new again!

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