Saturday, December 25


Christmas Morning.................

Noah was waiting by the tree for everyone to get up!

He got this cool new sled thing, not sure what to call it,
but it is going to be so much fun on the driveway!

For Christmas Noah really wanted to get his dad this leg lamp!
So we set it up on the end table to surprise him.
Noah just had to be like Ralphy and touch the lamp.
Actually it was really weird,
it seemed every guy who walked in and saw the lamp
just had to touch it. Had to rub the leg.....
all the girls either looked at it and laughed or rolled their eyes...
but the guys just had to touch it.
Are all guys just little perverts????

This was the one thing that Noah always talked about.
The Tonka Ricochet remote control car.
It also happened to be the first present he opened...

At our house, just to make it easy finding presents in the morning,
Santa assigns everyone their own paper.
All of their presents are wrapped in paper that is only theirs.
Above, shows Noah's paper......

Noah also got a remote control spy helicopter that flies and takes video and pictures.

He also got a Chad Ochocinco Bengals Jersey
for his football jersey collection.

I don't even know where to begin to explain Hunter!
He is quite a unique child in that this was the present he wanted more than anything!
What is it you ask?
It is a morph Suit, of course!
I seriously nearly wet my pants laughing at him when he put this on.
Funniest thing I have ever seen!
My child is weird and I am speechless as to what to say!
Below he is mooning us so we can see that it says morphsuit on his butt!
He loved this present!

Also he really wanted this fushiki ball thing!
Don't even ask....I am still trying to figure it out too!

His shoes that he designed on NIKE ID.
It is kind of fun that they can design their own shoes.
They are the only shoes in the world like his!
How cool is that?

I was not very original in my wrap job on Daniels football.
I kind of figured he knew what it was
when I looked over and he was tossing and spinning it while it was still wrapped.
I had actually been looking for this football for a couple of weeks,
finally ordering one on line 2 days before Christmas!

These are the shoes Daniel designed!
He even had PATTY (his football nickname)
put on the inside of the tongue of the shoe
as well as his # 5 on the side of his shoe!!
I really like these too! And nobody else has a pair just like them!

McKenzie waiting for Christmas to start!

Every year I get her a Barbie.
This year I gave her a really cute one that comes with dogs.
The little puppies head bobs and everything!
She always leaves them in the boxes,
but said she was so tempted to take this one out and play with it!
The little dog anyway!!

McKenzie got a "Garmin" watch and a new camera!
And lots of clothes and some cute boots that I just might steal!

We surprised Autumn by getting her a Mac Notebook!
She had no idea we were getting it for her and was so excited!
Well as about as excited as Autumn gets over anything!
She said she was going to ask for one for her birthday!
I am so glad she liked it since it was my idea to get it for her....

Bobby got clothes, shoes, and some speakers.
The one thing he really wanted I was able to get
but it won't be here until after January 4th.
It is an Oregon Football Jersey just like the one they are wearing in the
Championship game on January 10th!
I literally spent hours on line searching for one,
so he feels lucky he is getting one and can wait awhile for it!

Christmas breakfast!

Noah with his portable DVD player and BYU headphones,
watching a movie behind the couch!

Christmas evening Summer and her family came up
to open more presents........
Summer had to work, so they didn't come up until around 7:00.
We gave Bridger a barn and animals which he loved!
It is so fun when he makes all of the animal sounds.

We got Dakota an aircraft carrier
and a tank with army guys!

Also I found him the cutest Lego shoes.
He loves Lego's and as soon as I saw these I knew I had to get them for him!

Autumns Best friend Jackie is visiting from Oklahoma
and she came by with her 3 month old baby
who is soooooooooooooooo CUTE!
Everyone loved her!
It was hard for me to let anyone else hold her, she was just so sweet,
and smelled so good! That wonderful baby smell!

So, last but not least......
a friend told me to get everyone a nerf gun. I did!
And they loved it and had so much fun shooting and running through the house.
The boys did anyways.
McKenzie was entertained briefly by them,
but Bobby turned into a 12 year old!
It was a lot of fun, but now I am picking up those darts everywhere I go!

It was a great Christmas Day!
The kids had a lot of fun, and Santa was very good to them this year!

1 comment:

Ann Mitchell said...

OK...Hunter's present was WaCkO!!! I love that they can design their own shoes!