Friday, December 17

Why Noah should be on the good list.......

(Noah brought home this letter he wrote at school.
It is so cute. Sounds like he is a little worried about not being on the good list!)

Why I should be on Santa's list...........

I think I should be on the good list.
I have been good all year santa.
So please Santa, can I be on the good list?
I am good Santa.
So Please, can I be on the good list?
I know why you think I should be on the naughty list.
You have seen me being mean to my nephew.
But Santa, can you please forgive me?
I will never, ever be bad again.
So Santa, please forgive me
so you can put my name on the good list.
That is what I want. O.K. ??????
I do not want to be on the bad list.
So Santa put me on the good list.
That is all I want for Christmas,
so you have to put me on the good list.
That is it......

Love- Noah Patterson

How could this cute face not be on Santa's good list?????

1 comment:

the dunns said...

That is too, too funny!!!!